Tuesday, April 22, 2014

If you have RUQ Pain, Nerve Pain, Pain in Rib Cage front and back, Pain RUQ that followed a Trauma to the area then,,,,,,,,

Then you MAY have Intercostal Neuralgia(IN)!!! Mine started with a straight through pain that felt like i was being stabbed when I bent down, then through the years it got worse. My pain started after I had my Gallbladder out. My pain was suppose to go away when I had my Gallbladder removed, little did I know I'd be in pain for life. When I had our second child it was extremely horrible and afterwards is when I really started to search for some kind of answer. Problem is most doctors know little to nothing about IN. Some doctors were super nice, but just had no answer for me and others...... well they weren't so nice and still knew nothing. I began to feel that I'd never find my answer. My husband, thank god for him, he has been my rock through this all. There has been many times he has had to lift me off the bed or put my shoes on just cause I can't bend down. IN has truly been the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. On top of it I also have Costrocornitis, that formed from the irritated nerves from IN. My body doesn't like to get rid of inflammation so right now we are hoping my pain pump will do the trick. That's right I had a Pain pump placed about 8 weeks ago and so far feel that I am having good results in my back, but the pain in the front is still pretty bad. I'm going to be doing some research on Costrocornitis to see what kinda treatments have been for Costrocornitis. I am happy that I got the pump though. we still got adjustments to make and seeing as i am already having improvements in my back is a great sign! I have been trying to keep everyone posted cause I know many of you out there with IN are searching for what to do for treatment. I am sorry to see that there are so many that are in pain. I hope that this site can help you find a diagnosis quicker than the some of us. Help spread the word by taking our pledge! By spreading the word doctors will hopefully become more educated then can find the cure.  Here's the link to the pledge.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Help us Raise Awareness

So Many people out there that have Nerve Pain\Intercostal Neuralgia are still searching for their Diagnosis. Took me 3 1\2 years to get mine. Help others not wait so long. Help us spread the word cause even most doctors know little to nothing about Intercostal Neuralgia! Thanks for your support, Stacey & Cat

Visit the site below to take the pledge:


Thursday, April 17, 2014

What's your problem???

Hey all you out there suffering from Intercostal Neuralgia(IN) or think you might be suffering from IN, I'd like to hear your story? Where is your nerve pain? How long have you had it? 

Welcome Cat!!!!

Welcome to the page Cat!!!!

I am thrilled and excited to be working with Cat and Ever on this new page. I've known Cat for a little under a year now. She lives in England and also battles Intercostal Neuralgia. We are all doing our best to try to provide you all with as much information that we can. We are also working really hard to raise awareness about Intercostal Neuralgia. Help us spread the word while giving Cat a little shout out!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Signs that you may have Intercostal Neuralgia

I am no doctor and if you are feeling these symptoms you should go and be evaluated by a doctor cause there is a chance it could be more serious. These are some of the symptoms I have felt and or heard others say they have felt. There may also maybe other symptoms feel free to comment and add things you feel, so we can help others out there searching for a diagnosis.

Symptoms you may feel if you have Intercostal Neuralgia:
~Stabbing pain
~Spasm like
~Tender to the touch
~Pain that wraps around form back to front along the ribs, although for me mine started as a stabbing pain that went straight through, it has gotten worse through the years
~Skin Hypersensitivity, my skin will hurt so bad my clothing hurts, feels like an Indian Burn
~Pain that goes through the breast, nipple hurts
~Pain in back, Shoulder, and goes down arm

Pain gets worse when:
~Sitting upright, I'd rather stand any day
~Laying on the side that is effected

Like I said these are things that I either feel or others that I know feel. If I missed some please comment. I'd love to hear from you!!!!  Also remember, I am no doctor, if you are having these symptoms it may be something more serious. Please see your doctor for a diagnosis!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Intercostal Neuralgia and Pain Pump Updates

Hey all our pain warriors with Intercostal Neuralgia, how are you all feeling? I hope you are surviving your day! As some of you may know I recently had a pain pump implanted. Although we still have a lot of adjusting to do i think it is definitely worth it. My back is feeling better and I am able to touch my ribs in the front and sit upright longer than I could before. My Costrocornitis still is hurting me a lot, but my doctor is going to be trying a new non invasive procedure on me this week. My body has such a hard time with healing and I have been this way my whole life. So the Costrocornitis and where my pump site is, is still very sore to touch. no jeans for me for a while. I have been wanting to share this all with you because now you can ask your doctor about the pain pump and if it is an option for you. I had mine implanted in my back so i could possibly have another baby if my Intercostal Neuralgia allows it. I will keep you guys updated on my progress!!  ~Stacey

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Updates! Updates! Updates!

First, I'd like to welcome Ever Cuyler to the blog. Ever will be assisting with making posts as well as other things to make the blog even better! We'll have a little blurb about Ever and her experiences with I.N. on the "About" page soon.

The blog is a bit of a work in progress so please bare with us as we build the blog, our team, and spread the word that "You Are Not Alone!"

Speaking of building the blog... you'll notice an image on the home page and the resources page titled "Intercostal Neuralgia Facebook" The link within the image will take you to Cat's Facebook page. Stacey was recently added to Cat's page as an admin and soon Cat will join the ranks here as well. Please take a moment to visit her facebook page... she's an amazing person and has touched the lives of so many already, my Stacey included!

Please feel free to contact (Chris:  alleywolf@gmail.com) me if:

  • You have a suggestion for the blog
  • Would like to share a link for the recourse papge
  • Would like to share a personal story regarding life with I.N.
  • Would like to write an article regarding I.N. for the blog

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Calling All Writers!!!

The Intercostal Neuralgia blog is open for submissions.

We would like to post your articles and stories as a guest blogger. Please try and keep articles in the 200 to 1500 word level, links within the articles are fine but must pertain to the article (no selling your stuff). Article subject should be about intercostal neuralgia, chronic pain, living with chronic pain, injuries to the ribs, nerve research, pain reduction techniques, etc.

Please send materials to Chris: Alleywolf@gmail.com

Friday, April 4, 2014

Awareness Flyers Are In!!!

Some friends of ours printed out 500 flyers to help spread the word about Intercostl Neuralgia! They look amazing.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Do You Want to Contribute?

Even though this site is still under construction we would love to hear from you. Are you suffering from intercostal neuralgia? Have an article about I.N. or chronic pain?

Please send emails to alleywolf (at) Gmail (dot) com.